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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

The effect of Tytanit application on the content of selected microelements and the biological value of tomato fruits

Wydanie: 4/2014

Otrzymano: Październik 09, 2013

Zaakceptowano: Lipiec 14, 2014

Opublikowano online: Listopad 7, 2014


Brak danych

Kategorie: Horticulture and forestry

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.486


Titanium is an element exhibiting bio-stimulatory properties. The aim of the following  investigations was to assess the effect of Tytanit application on the content of micronutrients in leaves and fruits, as well as the biological value of fruits from tomatoes grown in rockwool. The following levels of titanium side dressing were used: the control (no titanium applied), Ti-I (corresponding to the annual dose of 80 g Ti·ha-1), Ti-II (240 g Ti·ha-1), Ti-III (480 g Ti·ha-1) and Ti-IV (960 g Ti·ha-1). Tytanit at the level Ti-I had significant impact on the iron and manganese content in indicator parts of plants. A significant effect of Ti application on the zinc content in indicator parts of plants was observed at the Ti-II treatment in comparison with the control and other treatments. The application of Ti did not have any significant effect on the Cu content in indicator parts, except for the Ti-IV treatment. Increasing Ti doses caused a significant reduction of the copper content in fruits except for Ti-II and Ti-III. The application of Ti was shown to influence total acidity of tomato fruits. The highest content of nitrates was recorded in the combination Ti-III (30.03 mg·kg-1). No effect of Ti on the nitrate content was observed in the other combinations. A significant increase was found for the lycopene content in fruits when applying Ti-I (46.11 mg·kg-1) in relation to the other doses.


Markiewicz B., Kleiber T. 2014. The effect of Tytanit application on the content of selected microelements and the biological value of tomato fruits. J. Elem. 19(4): 1065 - 1072, DOI:10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.486  

Słowa kluczowe:

titanium, nitrates, lycopene, index parts, fruits

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