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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Effect of the application of a biostimulant and mineral fertilization on the mineral element concentration in the sward of forage mixtures cultivated on light soil

Wydanie: 1/2019

Otrzymano: Grudzień 08, 2017

Zaakceptowano: Wrzesień 03, 2018

Opublikowano online: Październik 25, 2018


Wolski K., Magdalena B., Świerszcz S., Talar-Krasa M., Leshchenko O.

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.2.1569


The content of macroelements in plant mixtures depends on their species composition and on the share of legume plants, the type and level of fertilization, especially nitrogen treatment, and finally, on the stage at which the plants are harvested. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of mineral fertilizers and a biostimulant on the mineral content of different grass and legume mixtures on sandy soil. The experiment included three factors: (A) forage mixtures (M): M1 - Fb var. Lofa (15%), Fp var. Lipanthe (30%), Lm var. Mowester (10%), Lp (2n) var. Gladio (15%), Lp (4n) var. Verano (30%); M2 - Fp var. Lipanther (30%), Lm var. Mowester (10%), Lp (2n) var. Gladio (20%), Lp (4n) var. Verano (25%), Php  var. Liglory (10%), Tr var. Grasslands Huia (5%); M3 - Fp var. Lipanther (30%), Lm var. Mowester (10%),  Lp (2n) var. Gladio (15%), Lp (4n) varVerano (20%), Php var. Liglory (10%), Tp var. Nike (15%); (B) mineral fertilizers; (C) the Bio-Algeen S90 biostimulant based on marine algae. 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1, 80 kg N·ha-1 + 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1, 160 kg N·ha-1 + 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1, 0 + biostimulant, 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1 + biostimulant, 80 kg N·ha-1 + 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1 + biostimulant, 160 kg N·ha-1 + 40 kg P·ha-1 + 100 kg K·ha-1 + biostimulant. It was found that the biostimulant had varied effects, depending on the mixture and fertilizers used. The biostimulant in combination with mineral phosphorus and potassium increased the yield by up to 40%.  


Wolski K., Biernacik M., Świerszcz S., Talar-Krasa M., Leshchenko O. 2019. Effect of the application of a biostimulant and mineral fertilization on the mineral element concentration in the sward of forage mixtures cultivated on light soil. J. Elem., 24(1): 385 - 397. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.2.1569

Słowa kluczowe:

algae extract, plant growth promoter, forage blends, sandy soil, fertilization

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