Response of facultative cultivars of spring wheat to autumn sowing and foliar fertilization
Issue: 2/2019
Recevied: Aug 14, 2018
Accepted: Nov 05, 2018
Published: February 9, 2019
Jarecki W., Buczek J., Bobrecka-Jamro D.
Categories: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1726
Facultative cultivars of spring cereal crops can be sown in autumn. Late autumn planting of spring wheat may foster the faster growth and development of seedlings in early spring when soil water from winter storage is more likely to be available. Mineral fertilization is an important element of spring wheat cultivation technology, affecting the size and quality of grain yield. During the growing season, nutrients can be provided to the plants by foliar application. In the seasons 2013/2014 - 2015/2016, a strict field experiment was carried out to investigate the response of facultative cultivars of spring wheat (Bombona, Ostka Smolicka, Struna) to the autumn sowing date and foliar fertilization (Insol 3). The experiments were established in medium soil of the very good wheat complex, soil quality class II. It was shown that the cultivar Struna was characterized by a high spike density per 1m2 and the content of starch, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and manganese in grain. The cultivar Ostka Smolicka was distinguished by the largest parameters of such traits as TGW, grain yield, the SPAD index and the content of potassium and zinc in grain. The grain of the cultivar Bombona contained the largest amount of protein. The assessed quantitative and qualitative traits of the tested cultivars were varied in the years of the study. The difference in grain yield between 2014 and 2015 was 1.69 t ha-1. Foliar fertilization significantly increased the SPAD index, TGW, grain yield, as well as the magnesium and iron content in the grain compared to the control treatment. The resulting increase in grain yield after the application of Insol 3 foliar fertilizer was 0.31 t ha-1 as compared with the control.

Jarecki W., Buczek J., Bobrecka-Jamro D. 2019. Response of facultative cultivars of spring wheat to autumn sowing and foliar fertilization. J. Elem., 24(2): 817 - 828. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1726
Triticum aestivum L., facultative varieties, foliar fertilizers, SPAD values, yield components, yield, chemical composition
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