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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

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Soluble forms of zinc in profiles of selected types of arable soils

Issue: 1/2009

Recevied: No data

Accepted: Brak danych

Published: September 10, 2012


Brak danych

Categories: Agricultural

DOI: jelem.2009.14.1.06


The research was carried out on arable soils of the region of Lublin. The aim of the study was to determine the content of Zn extractable in 1 M HCl⋅dm-3 in profiles of selected types of soils and the total content of Zn (measured in aqua regia) in soil samples from the accumulative layer 0-20 cm of the soils. The investigations included 8 morphological types of soils: Rendzic Leptosols (typical rendzinas), Rendzic Leptosols (humic rendzinas), Haplic Phaeozems, Calcaric Cambisols, Haplic Luvisols, Cambic Arenosols, Haplic Podzols, Eutri-Terric Histosols. The content of zinc (Zn) was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). In mineral soils the highest content of total Zn was found in rendzinas (48.0-55.8 mg⋅kg-1 DM) and the lowest one appeared in rusty soil and in podzolic soil – about 13 mg Zn⋅kg-1 each, at average 24.5 mg⋅kg-1. Average concentration of available forms of zinc was 5.2 mg Zn⋅kg-1. The amount of this element in soils was from 2.0 mg Zn⋅kg-1 in the level Cca of typical rendzinas to 17.0 mg Zn⋅kg-1 in the accumulative level of peat soil. In most profiles the highest concentration of soluble form of Zn was present in the accumulative layer and was usually decreasing deeper in the profile. The distribution of Zn in profiles was shaped by the biological accumulation of this element in the humus horizon and natural biogeochemical processes.


Domańska J. 2009. Soluble forms of zinc in profiles of selected types of arable soils. J. Elem. 14 (1): 55-62.


zinc, total contents, available forms, rendzina, chernozem soil, brown soil, lessive, rusty soil, podzolic soil, peat soil

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