Fatty acid composition of turkey breast muscle and the salutogenic feeding regimen formulations (a pilot study)
Issue: 1/2020
Recevied: Feb 25, 2019
Accepted: Jul 07, 2019
Published: November 10, 2019
Goluch Z., Okruszek A., Haraf G., Moroch R., Rybarczyk A., Wereńska M., Teleszko M.
Categories: Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.2.1820
The objective of this study was to conduct a preliminary assessment of the impact of adding salutogenic formulations to turkey feeding diets on the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat from breast and on their lipid profile indicators. The experiment was carried out on 60 BIG-6 breed turkeys. Turkey toms were fattened up to 20 weeks of age (140 days). From the rearing day of 42, the turkeys in the control group (BIOPOINT) were given BiopointÒ supplements in drinking water (copper, selenium, flavonoid, lysine, vitamins C and E, garlic extract), while the experimental group was given MulticraftÒ fermented herbs extract (FHE) containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae, L. casei, L. plantarum. Twelve hours post mortem, m. pectoralis superficialis was excised and used for sampling (n=30 for each group), then stored for 18 months at the temperature of -20°C. 12 samples from or each group were taken for analysis in this pilot study. Once the samples were defrosted, the lipid profile was evaluated with the use of gas chromatography. The total antioxidant capacity of meat was determined by using the FRAP method. Based on FA contents, the following indexes were calculated: atherogenicity (AGI), thrombogenicity (TI), polyene peroxidisability (PI), nutri value (NVI) and h/H ratio.
Regarding consumers’ health, the lipids from FHE group of turkeys were characterized by a more expedient lipid acids profile and the following indicators: P/S (1.32), TI (0.63), h/H (1.41), PI (42.1), polygene index (0.06), compared with those from BIOPOINT group turkeys (vs. 1.17; 0.67; 1.26; 0.0; 38.3). Supplementation with FHE had a positive impact on the total antioxidant status of the turkey muscles. It may be concluded that owing to its positive influence on the metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins, the breast meat sourced from turkeys fattened with FHE supplementation with a confirmed salutogenic lipid profile may be beneficial for the health of consumers in the context of prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Goluch Z., Okruszek A., Haraf G., Moroch R., Rybarczyk A., Wereńska M., Teleszko M. 2020. Fatty acid composition of turkey breast muscle and the salutogenic feeding regimen formulations (a pilot study). J. Elem., 25(1): 59 - 69. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.2.1820
domestic turkeys, dietary supplementation, breast muscle oxidative stability, fatty acid profile
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