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Journal Title Abbrev.
J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

The effect of weed control methods on magnesium and calcium content in edible pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.)

Wydanie: 2/2010

Otrzymano: Brak danych

Zaakceptowano: Brak danych

Opublikowano online: Marzec 13, 2012


Brak danych

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: jelem.2010.15.2.269-280


A field experiment was carried out in 2006-2008 at the Experimental Farm in Zawady, owned by the University of Podlasie. The experimental design was a split-plot arrangementof treatments with three replicates. The factors examined included: factor I – threesowing densities (75, 100 and 125 plants per 1 m2), and factor II – five weed control methods (control – mechanical weed control and four herbicide based treatments). The objective of the study was to determine the effect of weed control methods as well as sowing density on magnesium and calcium content in the seeds of edible pea (Pisum sativum L.) of Merlin cultivar. The highest seed yield was obtained in the plots where weeds were chemically controlled (Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC was sprayed just after sowing and followed by an applicationof a mixture of Basagran 600 SL + Fusilade Forte 150 EC when plants were 5 cm high). The yield from this treatment was 4.84 t ha–1, on average. The lowest yieldwas harvested in the plots where weeds were mechanically controlled (the control) – onaverage 2.92 t ha–1. Variance analysis showed significant influence of weed control methods and weather conditions on magnesium and calcium contents in pea seeds. The herbicides applied in theexperiment increased concentrations of the above elements compared with the control. Thehighest magnesium content (1.389 g kg–1) in pea seeds was found in the plots where Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC was applied just after sowing at a dose of 1.5 dm3 ha–1 and followedby a mixture of Basagran 600 SL at a dose of 2.0 dm3 ha–1 + Fusilade Forte at a doseof 1.5 dm3 ha–1 applied post-emergence. The highest calcium content was recorded fortreatment 2, consisting of an application of Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC at a dose of 1.5 dm3 ha–1 just after sowing and followed by post-emergence spraying with Basagran 600 SL at a dose of 2.0 dm3 ha–1 – on average 0.989 g kg–1. In turn, sowing density had no influenceon the discussed characteristics although a tendency was observed towards increasing magnesium and calcium content in edible pea seeds.


Gugała M., Zarzecka K. 2010. The effect of weed control methods on magnesium and calcium content in edible pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.). J. Elem. 15(2): 269-280.

Słowa kluczowe:

sowing density, weed control methods, pea seed yield, magnesium content, calcium content

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