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Journal Title Abbrev.
J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

The exchangeable cations in alluvial soils formed from calcareous sinter in the Unisławski Basin

Wydanie: 3/2010

Otrzymano: Brak danych

Zaakceptowano: Brak danych

Opublikowano online: Marzec 12, 2012


Brak danych

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: jelem.2010.15.3.03


The samples were taken from 7 profiles of alluvial soils formed from varied gytias oncalcareous sinter. The research concerned determination of composition of exchange ablecations and basic saturation. In the analysed soils, lithologic discontinuities in the profile structure were observed. The calcareous sinter located in the lower part of the profilecaused characteristic water properties and occurrence of gleyic process. The investigated soil profiles were varied in their morphological structure and physicochemical properties. Fluctuations in the content of carbonates, organic mater and non-carbonate mineral substance confirmed the existence of several cycles in the formation of these soils. The basic saturation (S) of the analysed soils ranged between 287.4 and 2238.7 mmol(+) kg–1. Thehighest values were detected in gytia horizons (gyd), and the lowest ones - in gleyic horizons (G). The dominant cation in sorption complex of all horizons was calcium, and its highly differentiated content ranged from 245.3 to 2089.6 mmol(+) kg–1. Magnesium wasthe second most abundant cation in sorption complex. The content of Mg2+ ranged from19.4 mmol(+) kg–1 in clay-lime gytia horizons to 143.5 mmol(+) kg–1 in lime gytia horizons.The lowest in the content among exchangeable cations in the analysed samples was potassium (0.6-12.9 mmol(+) kg–1). Our comparison of the divalent cation content (Ca2+, Mg2+)and monovalent cation content (Na+, K+) showed significant instability of the balance between these groups of cations, which was confirmed by a very wide range of the ratio (21.3-333.1) calculated between these two groups of cations. The amount of alkaline cationsin the analysed soils followed this order: Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ .


Bartkowiak A., Długosz J. 2010. The exchangeable cations in alluvial soils formed from calcareous sinter in the Unisławski Basin. J. Elem. 15(3): 445-454.

Słowa kluczowe:

soil, cation capacity, exchangeable cations

O wydaniu:

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